Planning Board - Public Hearing Notices

11-13-23 Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650 "Zoning" to amend §22 "Retirement Community Overlay Districts" to include Map 39, Parcels 5 and 26B located on Robin Hill Street

10-2-23 Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650, to addd a new section to create the Red Spring Road Overlay District (RSROD)

10/2/23 - Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650, Definitions, Affordable Housing and MV District

09-18-23 Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650, to add a new Section 39A to create the Sasseville Way Residential Overlay District (SWROD)

09-11-23 Public Hearing - Open Space Development (Step Two - Definitive Subdivision) "Stow Road Subdivision"

09-11-23 Public Hearing - Scenic Road Act Application - Stow Road 

07-24-23 Public Hearing - Joint Tree Hearing - 689 Pleasant Street - Scenic Road 

06-26-23 Public Hearing - Open Space Development (Step One - Speical Permit) "Stow Road Subdivision" 

06-5-23 Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650, §36 Executive Residential Overlay District

03-27-23 Public Hearing - Open Space Development (Step Two - Definitive Subdivision) Beauchemin Estates - 689 Pleasant Street

01-23-23 Public Hearing - Open Space Development (Step One - Speical Permit) "Stow Road Subdivision"

12-05-22 Public Hearing Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650, Mixed Use and Affordable Housing

11-07-22 Public Hearing Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650, Section 40 to amend Location and Height of Buildings 

05-23-22 Public Hearing Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650 to amend Section 39 Neighborhood Business District

05-09-22 Public Hearing - Definitive Subdivision Plan "Colchester Drive - 0 Stevens Street"

05-09-22 Public Hearing - Open Space Development (Step One - Special Permit) "Beauchemin Estates - 689 Pleasant Street 

04-25-22 Proposed Zoning Map Amendment, Section 650-8 - Parcels of land located on Jefferson and a small portin of Lincoln Streets, identified as Map 56, Parcels 147, 148, 150, 151, 152 & 153 and Map 56, Parcels 154, 155, 156, 157 & 158

11-8-21 Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650 to amend Section 61 Temporary Moratorium for Multi-Family Housing Projects 

11-8-21 Definitive Subdivision Plan of Land - 342 Sudbury Street 

09-13-21 Proposed Changes to Amend the Marlborough Planning Board Subdivision Rules and Regulations

08-23-21 Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650, Section 5 and Section 18(36) by adding "Hobby Vehicle Storage" as a warehousing use in the Limited Industrial District

06-21-21 Proposed Zoning Amendmenet to Chapter 650 to add a new Section to create the "Commercial Village Overlay District"

06-07-21 Proposed Zoning Amendment to Chapter 650  to add new Section 61 Temporary Moratorium for Multi-Family Housing Projects

06-07-21 Proposed Zoning Map Amendment, Section 650-8 - Land at 290 Hudson Street, Map 43, Parcel 38

04-05-21 Proposed Zoning Amendment Results Way Mixed-Use Overlay District

11-02-20 REMOTE PUBLIC HEARING Preliminary Subdivision Plan - 0 Stevens St.

11-02-20 (Continued) 10-19-20 REMOTE PUBLIC HEARING Definitive Subdivision Plan - 76 Broad St. 

07-20-20 REMOTE PUBLIC HEARING Scenic Roadway - 684 Stow Road (Stone Wall)

06-22-20 REMOTE PUBLIC HEARING Council Order 20-1007976 Proposed Zoning Map Amendment, Section 650-8 Land off Valley Street, Map 82, Parcel 125

06-22-20 REMOTE PUBLIC HEARING Council Order 20-1007975 Proposed Zoning Amendment, Chapter 650 to add a new section 38 creating the Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District

06-22-20 Continued  06-08-20 Continued Public Hearing- Commonwealth Heights Definitive Subdivision Notice and Revised Plan

04-27-20 Commonwealth Heights Definitive Subdivision (WILL BE REOPENED WITHOUT PUBLIC TESTIMONY AND CONTINUED TO MAY 18, 2020 )

04-27-20 Proposed Zoning Amendment Contractor Storage Yards and Proposed Rezoning of Land Located on Farm Road (WILL BE OPENED WITHOUT PUBLIC TESTIMONY AND CONTINUED TO MAY 18, 2020) 

04-27-20 Continued Public Hearing Proposed Zoning Amendment to Section 650 sections 17 and 18 - Livestock Farms (Public testimony is closed.)

02-24-20 Planning Board and Forestry Division Joint Tree Hearing

03-09-20 Hearing on Council Order 20-1007915 Proposed Zoning Amendment to Section 650 Section 17 and 18 - Livestock Farms