History of Marlborough

The Beginning

"It is therefore the humble request of your Petitioners to this Hon’d Court, that you would be pleased to grant unto us eight miles square for to make a plantation."

The Lords of Whipsuppenike

"The settlers came in 1674 and found a small defenseless band of natives of about fifty in number. A half century before the Pilgrims came to America, it is estimated by some historians, as many as 100,000 Indians inhabited the New England region."

"Wee have found a place which lieth westward..."

"A petition was presented to the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in May 1656 for the right to start a new plantation by thirteen men then residents of the Town of Sudbury."

Of Books and Birch Rods

"Schools in Marlborough were not established until late in 1600’s, owing to time consumed in getting 50 families settled, and to the dangers of Indian attack, which made the assembling of children a risky thing."

"Wee thanke thee, Lorde..."

"The plantation that became Marlborough was settled by English "Puritans". As was the entire colony of Massachusetts Bay in New England. These Protestants differed very little in their religious concepts from the English "Pilgrims" of the adjacent Plymouth Colony."

"Wee meete the enemie in dire combat..."

"In 1774, three companies of "Minutemen" were organized in Marlborough under Captain Cyprian Howe, William Brigham and Daniel Barnes, representing (roughly) the east, west and central parts of the Town respectively, and each, seemingly, based on a separate tavern."

Commerce, Industry and Transportation

"The Koehler Manufacturing Company was established in 1912 at its present location on Lincoln Street by Mr. Ernest Koehler."

"Lest fire strike or panic ensue..."

"That same year, the first Police Cruiser, a horse-drawn wagon was purchased and used until 1913 when it was replaced by a patrol wagon and ambulance."

The Story of the John Brown Bell

"Having been refused rooms at the local hotel run by an unreconstructed rebel, they went and found the Mrs. Snyder who had cooked for them thirty years before. She took them in for the night and they found that she had kept their bell for them, part of the time buried in her garden for security."