Invasive Non-Native Plants

Ft. Meadow Reservoir
Ft. Meadow Reservoir

Healthy lake and pond have a delicate balance of plants and animals that work together to make a functioning aquatic ecosystem. Pollutants and invasive plants upset that balance since most native species have no way of coping with these threats. Invasive non-native plants like bodies of water with high nutrient levels, so excess runoff of things like lawn fertilizers exacerbates the problem, as they dissolve and will flow into the reservoir untreated.

The main way that invasive plants spread between different bodies of water is by hitching a ride on boats. You can help by making sure that all plant matter is removed from your boat once you remove it from the water, and dispose of it above the waterline. When removing invasive plants from boats or the water, be sure you do so completely. Small fragments from plants like Eurasian Milfoil can easily take root and start new plants, making the problem worse. For this same reason boats should avoid areas with high concentrations of invasive plants, as their propellers can chop up and spread the weeds further.